Are Supplements Necessary?


Are supplements necessary? Short answer- It depends

👉 The recommended servings of fruits and vegetables daily is a MINIMUM of 5- Are you meeting this regularly?

👉 Our soil is depleted of key minerals and nutrients and this has been cited in multiple studies- go check out pubMed.

👉 Key nutrient loss is also associated with how we store and prepare our foods- cutting and prepping our food ahead of time makes it easy for us to choose more nutrient dense foods on the run, but the reality is that doing so may impact the surface integrity of the food items- leading to nutrient loss and potentially opening the door for pathogens.

So, back to my statement of “it depends.”

I personally believe in living a life of wellness to the best of my ability, however nutrient gaps are still present. Fighting chronic disease is important to me, so supplementing conservatively and in a way that MAKES SENSE is the route that I choose for myself and what I advocate for with my patients.


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